This website was created to help those with diabetes enjoy their diet more. From researching and interviewing those who struggle with the condition it was realised that they often feel restricted when going out to eat. They discussed how time consuming it was to work out the exact sugar content of their food to ensure they were eating the correct amounts. Dietbetes was therefore made to help both type 1 and type 2 diabetics with knowing the sugar content of food they cooked themselves and when they went to eat out. It also aids type 1 diabetics by giving them the exact insulin units needed for the food they are eating.
The website created uses a professional and clean set of colours and typography to provide the user with a website that they feel they can trust. This was a really important element to consider when creating this website as it deals with a medical topic where inaccurate information could be damaging to the users health. Ensuring that the user felt they could trust the content was therefore a very crucial element that the design had to provide.